
Just a portuguese gamer weeb that likes to draw.
From SFW to NSFW, Human to Furry.
A Jack of all trades, master of none.

About me

Curious about the lad himself? Hop in!

Commission info

Do you want me to draw something for you? What are you waiting for?


Some of your doubts might be cleared here, hopefully.

Commission Info

Paypal OnlyIf you want a commission made by yours truly, there are some things to take into consideration. I’m willing to make, both SFW and NSFW commissions.Both start at 50€, fully colored and rendered (for one character / solo focus). For every additional character, there’ll be an added 20€ fee to the final price.
No backgrounds or only very, very simple backgrounds.
No Alts/Variants, with the exception of ejaculation alts for NSFW Comms.
The duration of the commission will always depend on its contents, but it can go between 3 days to 1 week. It might take a bit longer, but it will always depend of the piece itself and whatever my free time allows me to draw. I’ll keep the client updated whenever necessary.There’ll be no refunds, everything is paid upfront, after the first rough sketch is provided to the client.Although I'm open to draw a great majority of subjects, from normal humans to furries, there is some content that I will simply refuse to draw, mostly in the NSFW part.Content/fetishes that I'll not draw: Scat, Sexual Violence, BDSM, Vore, Inflation, Gore, Vomit, Necrophilia, Diaper related stuff, Torture, Urine, etc.Don't ask me to draw in another artist style or to exaggerate on characters proportions/change character body traits, if it clashes heavily with their original design.If you want to commission some OC art, from a character that does not belong to you, make sure to have the permission of the original owner, or I'll refuse to draw it.There won't be any private commissions.If you have any questions, feel free to visit the Q&A segment of this website or DM me through my socials (Twitter/X, InkBunny, BlueSky, Pixiv).

About me

I’m just an ordinary Portuguese fella from ‘97 that decided to spend most of his time on drawing and trying to improve with each passing day. Deep down, just a Jack of all trades, but master of none.The name ‘VadamecoX’ comes from the portuguese word “Badameco”, which definition goes from brat, to something akin to a John Doe, a nobody, which ain’t far off since I intend to keep myself on a more niche and hidden side of the art community.The X? Well, it’s because in math it represents an unknown value, representing the fact that I’m not stuck doing just the same art or the same characters over and over again, I’ll be drawing what I feel like drawing, even if there’s some sort of trend or popular subject.
That, or the 10 year old in me said that the X sounded cool. It’s your pick.
I draw during my free time at night, which ain’t much, and that means that sometimes I’ll go to sleep at 2 a.m to then wake up at 7 a.m, simply because I enjoy the time that I spend drawing.I like video games. Some of my favorite franchises are Sonic, Like a Dragon/Judgment, Ratchet and Clank, Project Diva and Kingdom Hearts, among many others.
Avid anime and manga enjoyer.
Since I currently do not have any sort of subscription based website account, and everything that I release is done for free (and would even if I had one of those accounts), I leave my Paypal link here in case you are feeling generous and decide to donate something. I would be very thankful and it would help with a purchase of an actual powerful tablet that would allow me to do more with my art.


Please, explain yourself.
▪ Hello there, it seems you want to know the reason behind the major increase on the base price, in comparison with the previous one and why the change on the guidelines. That’s completely understandable, but I hope you’re able to understand my side as well.
So, that’s quite the price increase, don’t you think?
▪ The first thing that I want to point out is that, in my point of view, I believe I improved enough to think that 50€ is a fair price for my art. Secondly, it’s about the time that it might take to finish one. I have a full-time job, from 8 to 20 during the week, so every piece of art that I make is during my small and less-than-ideal free time, taking a lot of time that could be used to rest up, so I have to put some value onto that, and I didn’t feel that great working on a piece of art that could take me two weeks just for 20€, when I could be drawing something else.
Where the backgrounds at?
▪ About the backgrounds, or the lack thereof, it’s simple. At my current level, I decided to focus more on character art and less on the background/environment art, since the characters ARE the main focus of all of my gallery, so I feel more at ease giving you something with a basic background, with either a texture, gradient, whatsoever, than provide you with a lackluster background that simply ruins the entirety of the foreground. Only in certain cases will I draw the BG, maybe to give some context to whatever is happening on the illustration or the place the characters are at, but it will be very limited.
Why no complex alts/variants?
▪ About the alts, or lack thereof, it’s also simple, kinda. Here’s the thing, alts that do not require me to redraw anything from the original sketch, can be done, like, for example, some sort of Cum/Ejaculation alt (which is done for free), but, alts that require different poses, expressions, etc, shall not be made. Why? Simply put, due to the limited hardware I’m working with and my art shading/rendering. It requires way too many layers, it’s an headache to organize it all and my tablet reaches a point where doing something as simple as using the move tool will freeze Krita for a second, which, as I think you can guess, ain’t optimal when working on a full piece, hence why I’m not doing them, not even for an increased price. Maybe when I get myself some more powerful hardware, but, right now, it ain’t meant to be.
So, no cheaper tiers? Sketches? No shading?
▪ Nope. My goal is to fill my gallery it full fledged artwork, with all the bells and whistles, and very rarely send sketches, because I think that the they fail to show what I strive for when I draw, and they would most likely disappoint the clients. Also, the most painful part of the process is the lineart, and since the color and the shading are my favorite parts that complement the pieces in a lot of ways, I think there’s no point on having some sort of in-between tier or to leave it with a blank lineart.
No refunds? Pay upfront? Seriously?
▪ The payment is only done after I send the client a rough sketch that they’re satisfied with to proceed. If the required payment isn’t done, the commission won’t go forward. It is payed upfront and there are no refunds to prevent any sort of scam tactic that the clients might try to pull. If you’re not okay with it or believe I’m not trustworthy enough, I’ll understand if you decide not to commission me.
How do I know that you’re working on my commission?
▪ I’ll be sharing the work in progress with the client when I reach some sort of milestone, from cleaning the sketch, doing the lineart, adding the flat colors, etc.
Are you working on something else besides the commission?
▪ It depends on the situation at hand, but if everything goes smoothly and as expected, when I start working on a comm, I won’t start other works until I finish it. There might be some situations when I’ll be waiting for some sort of opinion from the client, and during that down time I might work on something else.
Huh, what do you mean by not changing character body traits?
▪ Simply put, if there’s a petite small girl character that you want me to draw, I won’t draw her with double the size and some huge breasts. I want to try to respect the original character designs. The only exceptions to the rule might be some furry related characters, where I might need to make them slightly more human, changing a bit of their original character traits.
That, and changing a character's gender (human or furry).
Are you always ready to DM?
▪ I’ll reply to your DMs whenever I can, especially if it’s related to work or art. If I take some time to reply, it’s either because I’m busy, I’m not in the mood, or it’s just small talk that I unfortunately feel won’t go anywhere.
Why don’t you draw (insert some fetish here)?
▪ If it’s on my don’t list, it’s because it’s something that I personally dislike to the point of not wanting to draw it. Even if I separate myself from what I’m drawing, which allows me to draw some things that I wouldn’t otherwise draw, there’s a line when it will actually disgust me to the point of not wanting to draw it. Hope you understand.
Why won’t you draw [insert name]’s OC?
▪ I’ll draw whatever OC you might want, but, make sure you have the permission of the owner if it’s someone else’s. I don’t want any trouble or drama for a commission I made.